Pray for Me Kick Off

If you were in the fellowship hall on Sunday, October 16th you witnessed a frenzy of activity. Every table was full of ‘AICers’ of a variety of ages. There was excitement, anticipation, a little uncertainty, and a whole lot of joy. This was the scene of the Pray for Me campaign launch at Alive in Christ. The Pray for Me Campaign is a church-wide initiative that equips adult believers to pray for the young people in our church. Every AIC youth from 6th thru 12th grade has been paired with 2-3 Prayer Champions from multiple generations who have committed to pray scripture saturated prayers for them every day for one year. We all have a role to play in the life of the church and was that ever on display Sunday morning!
Today’s culture screams at our youth, “You do you! Live your truth!” It’s a message of self-worship. What I feel has to be true. Not one of us needs encouragement to pursue selfishness, but we do need God’s mercy and grace daily to rebel against society’s norm and live counter-culturally. Our students need your friendship, wisdom and encouragement. They need to hear about God’s faithfulness in your life. Mostly though, they need your prayers. Prayer is a deposit into the future. Prayer is how we make a difference that far outlasts us.
If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of please let us know! We will be expanding our campaign to include our younger children and their families. This is a movement that is just getting started! Our goal is that there is not one young person who comes through our church without a whole network of adults that love and support them - all beginning with prayer.
I want to close by sharing this quote from a seasoned Prayer Champion:
“I am a watchman on the wall of God’s City! I live my life now to fight in prayer for the spiritual life of the next generation. Those younger than me will not live their lives, will not struggle in this fallen world without my vigilant prayer cover. I am living for their well-being. I am praying for their flourishing! That is why I am here. I am a watchman on the wall!
Beautiful. This is a picture of the church being the church to the rising generation.
May God richly bless you all!
Stacia Eversole (Pray for Me Campaign Lead)
Today’s culture screams at our youth, “You do you! Live your truth!” It’s a message of self-worship. What I feel has to be true. Not one of us needs encouragement to pursue selfishness, but we do need God’s mercy and grace daily to rebel against society’s norm and live counter-culturally. Our students need your friendship, wisdom and encouragement. They need to hear about God’s faithfulness in your life. Mostly though, they need your prayers. Prayer is a deposit into the future. Prayer is how we make a difference that far outlasts us.
If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of please let us know! We will be expanding our campaign to include our younger children and their families. This is a movement that is just getting started! Our goal is that there is not one young person who comes through our church without a whole network of adults that love and support them - all beginning with prayer.
I want to close by sharing this quote from a seasoned Prayer Champion:
“I am a watchman on the wall of God’s City! I live my life now to fight in prayer for the spiritual life of the next generation. Those younger than me will not live their lives, will not struggle in this fallen world without my vigilant prayer cover. I am living for their well-being. I am praying for their flourishing! That is why I am here. I am a watchman on the wall!
Beautiful. This is a picture of the church being the church to the rising generation.
May God richly bless you all!
Stacia Eversole (Pray for Me Campaign Lead)
2023 Advent Devotional - Isaiah 43:19 (Day 31)
December 31st, 2023
2023 Advent Devotional - Revelation 5:6-10 (Day 30)
December 30th, 2023
2023 Advent Devotional - John 3:16-17 (Day 29)
December 29th, 2023
2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:36-38 (Day 28)
December 28th, 2023
2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:25-35 (Day 27)
December 27th, 2023
2023 Advent Devotional - Genesis 3:15 (Day 1)2023 Advent Devotional - Genesis 49:10 (Day 2)2023 Advent Devotional - Micah 5:2-4 (Day 3)2023 Advent Devotional - Micah 5:4-5 (Day 4)2023 Advent Devotional - Isaiah 7:14 (Day 5)2023 Advent Devotional - Isaiah 9:6-7 (Day 6)2023 Advent Devotional - Isaiah 52:13-14 (Day 7)2023 Advent Devotional - Isaiah 53:1-3 (Day 8)2023 Advent Devotional - Isaiah 61:1-4 (Day 9)2023 Advent Devotional - Zechariah 12:10 (Day 10)2023 Advent Devotional - Matthew 1:18 (Day 11)2023 Advent Devotional - Matthew 1:19-25 (Day 12)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:5-7 (Day 13)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:8-17 (Day 14)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:18-19, 24-25 (Day 15)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:26-29 (Day 16)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:30-33 (Day 17)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:34-38 (Day 18)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:39-45 (Day 19)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 1:46-59 (Day 20)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:1-5 (Day 21)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:6-7 (Day 22)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:8-14 (Day 23)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:15-16 (Day 24)2023 Advent Devotional -Luke 2:17-21 (Day 25)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:21-35 (Day 26)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:25-35 (Day 27)2023 Advent Devotional - Luke 2:36-38 (Day 28)2023 Advent Devotional - John 3:16-17 (Day 29)2023 Advent Devotional - Revelation 5:6-10 (Day 30)2023 Advent Devotional - Isaiah 43:19 (Day 31)
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