Missions Unpacked - Online and at Alive In Christ

Have you ever wanted to learn more about International Missions work?  Join the AIC Youth as they participate in "Missions Unpacked".  
Missions Unpacked is a four week online event. Each week you will learn about LCMS International's mission work in a different part of the world. It is a free event. Embark on a global mission experience and unpack how LCMS International Mission works without ever having to dig out your suitcase. Learn, sing, eat and pray with missionaries and local church members in Africa, Asia, Eurasia and Latin America & the Caribbean. Experience fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ from the comfort of Alive in Christ or at  your own home.
During each week of Missions Unpacked, you can explore life in a different place, interact with an LCMS missionary in a live presentation, and discover how you can be part of God’s mission around the world.

You can check out more and register at https://calendar.lcms.org/event/missions-unpacked-jan2021/

Weekly Schedule

Monday - Watch a video about LCMS International Mission's work in one of four global regions (~30 minutes).  Note - AIC Youth will be watching the weekly video together during Wednesday Night Youth.  Others can sign up and watch at their convenience.
Tuesday - Friday: Explore at your own pace on the website and...
Tour a historic plaza;
Try out a traditional dance step;
Learn a prayer in a local language;
Prepare a typical dish;
And more!
Saturday - Live streamed event. Get to know a missionary through story & dialogue (~1hour)
Alive In Christ will join the Live Stream from the Fellowship Hall each Saturday.  Everyone is invited to participate with us there (or you can log in from your own home).

Saturday Live Stream Schedule
January 23 - 11am (Latin America and the Caribbean)
January 30 - 11am (Eurasia)
February 6 - 11am (Africa)
February 12 - 7pm (Asia) (Note different time due to time zone)
Type your new text here.
Questions, contact Will Kiehl (will@aic.org)

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