Manoe 2021 - Man's Epic Journey

Last weekend some of the men of Alive In Christ enjoyed some fellowship and had the opportunity to dig deeper into God’s Word.  

The men went on their annual “Manoe: Man’s Epic Journey” canoe trip.  They floated the 25 mile section of the Upper Current River from Baptist Camp to Pulltite.  They departed Alive In Christ bright and early on Thursday, April 22nd and returned late in the evening on April 23rd.  Their journey was cut a bit short by the cool wet weather.

Ten men participated in the float. They camped on a river bank at night. Some stayed in tents while others camped out in hammocks.  Breakfast and dinner were cooked over an open fire. It was a great time of fellowship and bonding.  At night around the campfire, in addition to fish stories and such, they talked about what the difference is between Knowing God and Worshiping God. They also talked about what it means to be a Man of God. If you missed out this year, no worries, plans are already in the works for a trip again next year.

A few pictures from this epic adventure.

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